Thursday, September 2, 2010

September 1 2010 PHI v LAD Game 3. Hiro-what Kuro-who?

My dear Followers.......Please forgive me as this entry to the Greatest Phillies Clog On Earth is approximately 12 hours late. My sincere apologies goes to everyone of you who want on bended knee, drooling like rabid fools for the day's installment Right now am I travelling my way back home with my family. This is an arduous task filled with joys and murderous rage. Please allow this one absence of genius, just this once...

I'll make thing short today cause the Phils are gonna be playing a make-up game in Denver in about 2 hours.

Really, who the fuck can even remember the first game of this series? It's seems that adorable little 1-hitter that Hiroki Kuroda tossed our way doesn't really amount to a hill o dogshit now that we're leaving town victorious Roy Oswalt had oddly enough, a one-hitter himself into the 6th inning and only lasted 6 1/3 all together due to some command issues. Yeah, that's what I said. Motherfucker had command issues and still only gave up 1 hit in 6 1/3. Puny LA. The weakness in the West grows stronger

J-Roll and Victorino got the swingers party started early with solo shots of dodger's Clayton Kershaw to give Roy a little breathing room in an often confined space. Utley would bash in a 3 RBI in the 7th and we would put the fucking screw to Hung Chi Kuo, a reliever who's never given up runs to the Phils. Motherfucker gave up 2 like a a male junkie gives up the butt for some brown. The dealers; The Brown Dominator, Roll and The Mighty Chutley. Chut by the way is starting to look like himself in these last few games. The short firm swing, lining hot-shots on over the joint.

This infuriated me today. Melbourne is a great city but it is full of assholes, too.

This just made me laugh. From York, PA to Australia. From Shit Town to Hit Town to State Fairs to Melbourne. Good luck, Ed!

It's September, our month! Let's keep that shit roillin'! Go watch the fucking game!


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